Whether you are visiting the Island on vacation or you are a resident here in paradise, De Sunglass Man offers many advantages to our customers.

An unrivaled selection of the most important brands
De Sunglass Man is not only Cayman’s only dedicated sunglass retailer, but one of the largest collections in the Caribbean.
Each stores receives new deliveries each month from the US and Italy making sure that whether your style is a classic aviator or funky geometric design, you can always find your shade.You can sign up here to be notified when we receive our latest deliveries and introduce new brands.
If you are visiting the Island for a vacation, make sure that a visit to De Sunglass Man is planned as a day one activity to allow you to enjoy those gorgeous shades during your stay!
Unbeatable Prices
Cayman is known as a tax haven and Sunglasses and designer jewellery and watches are no exception. Most brands offer duty free savings and there is no sales tax in Cayman, making our prices lower that what you will find in the US.
US Prices
The currency of the Cayman Islands is the Cayman Islands Dollar which is fixed to the US Dollar at
CI $1 = US $1.20